Howard Giles
Rector, lead pastor
Fr. Howard is a Southern Nevada native. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, both from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).
Fr. Howard and Deacon Erin met at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP), where Howard earned a Master of Divinity. They were married in 2003 and have six wonderful children!
Fr. Howard was ordained to the priesthood in 2005 and left the Episcopal Church, where he was ordained, with the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin in 2007, to uphold marriage between a man and a woman, the authority of Scripture and the sanctity of all human life.
Fr. Howard is passionate about the Sacraments and about describing Anglicanism, not as a denomination, but as one of the three branches of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Fr. Howard and Deacon Erin met at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP), where Howard earned a Master of Divinity. They were married in 2003 and have six wonderful children!
Fr. Howard was ordained to the priesthood in 2005 and left the Episcopal Church, where he was ordained, with the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin in 2007, to uphold marriage between a man and a woman, the authority of Scripture and the sanctity of all human life.
Fr. Howard is passionate about the Sacraments and about describing Anglicanism, not as a denomination, but as one of the three branches of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Erin Giles
Deacon Erin Giles was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Princeton University in 1997 and served for one year with the Lutheran Volunteer Corp at the Howard Community Center in Chicago.
She and Fr. Howard met on the first day of orientation at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) in Berkeley, California. Deacon Erin graduated with a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Christian Ethics. She was ordained to the Diaconate in 2003. She is an instructor at the San Joaquin School for Ministry, teaching Christian Ethics and Moral Theology. She also serves as the examining chaplain in Christian Ethics and Moral Theology for the Diocese.
Deacon Erin home-schools their six children, and is passionate about Spiritual Motherhood and Discipleship.
She and Fr. Howard met on the first day of orientation at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) in Berkeley, California. Deacon Erin graduated with a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Christian Ethics. She was ordained to the Diaconate in 2003. She is an instructor at the San Joaquin School for Ministry, teaching Christian Ethics and Moral Theology. She also serves as the examining chaplain in Christian Ethics and Moral Theology for the Diocese.
Deacon Erin home-schools their six children, and is passionate about Spiritual Motherhood and Discipleship.

Eric menees
Bishop of the Diocese of San Joaquin
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Eric Vawter Menees was consecrated to be the Vth Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin on September 24, 2011. He sits in the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America.
Prior to his election, Bishop Menees served as the Rector of the Anglican Church of the Resurrection in San Marcos, CA.
A graduate of the General Theological Seminary, Bishop Menees received his Doctor of Ministry from Seabury Western in 2006. After he graduated from seminary Bishop Menees was ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and subsequently served as the Deacon/Priest in Charge of the Church of Epiphany and the Associate Rector of the Church of the Messiah, both of which were Spanish language ministries.
For reasons of conscience, the Bishop Menees left Grace Episcopal and founded the Anglican Church of the Resurrection in 2006. He is a vowed Third Order Franciscan. Bishop Menees is married to Florence Guadalupe Mira-Menees and has a daughter, Milagro, and a son, Sebastian.
Prior to his election, Bishop Menees served as the Rector of the Anglican Church of the Resurrection in San Marcos, CA.
A graduate of the General Theological Seminary, Bishop Menees received his Doctor of Ministry from Seabury Western in 2006. After he graduated from seminary Bishop Menees was ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and subsequently served as the Deacon/Priest in Charge of the Church of Epiphany and the Associate Rector of the Church of the Messiah, both of which were Spanish language ministries.
For reasons of conscience, the Bishop Menees left Grace Episcopal and founded the Anglican Church of the Resurrection in 2006. He is a vowed Third Order Franciscan. Bishop Menees is married to Florence Guadalupe Mira-Menees and has a daughter, Milagro, and a son, Sebastian.

elected, representative, open meetings
The Vestry is comprised of four lay people, elected at the annual meeting, and the Rector, or lead pastor. These five representatives meet every third Saturday of the month. The meetings are open to the public.
The Vestry is responsible for managing the property, personnel and signing contracts.
The Vestry is responsible for managing the property, personnel and signing contracts.