
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Jesus the Good Shepherd is committed to foreign and domestic missions.
We contribute 5% of our monthly tithes to five missions and offer alms to Anglican Relief and Development Fund. 

Active Missionaries

Russ and Heidi Smith

The Smith’s overall vision is to share the Gospel and “make disciples… who will obey everything Christ commands.” They do that by working within the Anglican Church of Chile and beyond.

Richard and Martha Menees

Frank and Anne

Diocese of Kigezi, Southwestern Uganda
St. George Anglican Church, Tunis

Active Mission

Women's Resource Medical Center of Southern Nevada

a faith-based, nonprofit 501(c)3 charitable organization committed to supporting families with pregnancies. We provide complete, accurate information, free pregnancy tests with immediate results, certified counseling, and state-of-the-art ultrasound services to women and couples who are making decisions about unintended pregnancies.

Anglican Relief and Development Fund

An Effective Development Model
Supports leaders working with Anglican Churches around the globe. Projects have been desired, developed, and designed by the local community, undergoes research by a third-party to ensure effectiveness and sustainability.

Timely Relief Efforts
Supports local churches serving their communities after a crisis. We commit resources and connect volunteers to  opportunities to serve.